Learn More About The Land Institute
It is a fundamental requirement of our mission to lead broad, bold thinking about agriculture, culture, and the environment. We invite you to engage deeply with our work, the history of modern agriculture, and the philosophy and ideologies that created and challenge our current paradigm. We hope these materials will germinate questions that grow beyond the available answers.

Research & Scientific Publications
Peer reviewed publications and research are at the core of the Institute. Our research staff and collaborators have published the results of work undertaken at The Land Institute in numerous journals.

Land Report
Since its beginning in 1976 the Land Report has told our story to supporters and friends. As our primary newsletter, it is the single most comprehensive, chronological history of The Land Institute. It includes updates on our research, new ideas under consideration, and articles about related topics by guest writers.

Video & Audio Library
Over the years, The Land Institute staff, colleagues, and collaborators have generated a fertile web of ideas and discussion. We’ve gathered some of that here.

Podcast from the Prairie
Wes Jackson tells journalist Robert Jensen stories ranging from his time growing up on a small farm in Kansas, to founding and growing The Land Institute, a center for perennial grain agriculture and new ways of looking at the world through an ecological lens.
Learn about Our Work & Natural Systems Agriculture.