Mayson Metcalf
General Research Assistant
Research Assistant Mayson Metcalf hails from Texas, where he’s a senior at Austin College, majoring in Biology and minoring in Environmental Studies and German.
What work experiences are most relevant to your position at The Land Institute?
I have worked on tallgrass prairie restoration with prescribed fires.
What’s most inspiring about your position?
That I will be working with people from a variety of backgrounds and all with similar mindsets to my own.
What drew you to work at The Land Institute?
I am interested in sustainability and the possibilities with perennial crops have me excited for the future.
What Land Institute perennial grain crop do you look forward to eating the most and how would you prepare it?
Probably any one of the legumes could go well in a stew or soup.
What else are you passionate about?
Mainly fishing, because it is a good way to get out into nature while having fun and even sometimes taking some food from a sustainable resource.
If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
I probably would try to echo the ideas of Aldo Leopold but for a modern audience in a more accessible format.