Rachel Stroer
Rachel Stroer serves as the President of The Land Institute, the first woman president to lead the organization in its 45-year history. Stroer has held key roles at The Land Institute since joining in 2015, including Chief Operating Officer and Chief Strategy Officer. Surrounded by a community of scientists and researchers, Stroer is now leading the adoption of a bold new strategic vision to reconcile the human economy with Nature’s economy, starting with food. Under her stewardship, The Land Institute is catalyzing an international network of collaborators and advocates—connected across space and deeply rooted in place—working to develop diverse, perennial grain agriculture and an ecological future for all.
What’s most inspiring about your specific position at The Land Institute?
The people. The staff is laser-focused on the vision of the organization. I’m inspired every day by their commitment and tenacity.
What would people never guess that you do as part of your role at The Land Institute?
I recently wrangled a group of cattle into a pasture. I have since added “cowgirl” to my resume.
What else are you passionate about (outside of work)?
Raising two boys and reading (mostly non-fiction) when they let me.
If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
Writing a book is on my bucket list, but I haven’t yet decided on its content.
What’s your motto / favorite quote?
Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” Because patience is not one of my virtues, I need all the help and guidance I can get from Nature.
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