Tiffany Durr
Facilities Operations Manager
Hailing from McPherson County, Kansas, Tiffany is our Facilities Operations Manager. Tiffany earned her BS in Horticulture from Kansas State University and was pursuing a career in landscaping when she started working with The Land Institute. She quickly fell in love with the mission and by the end of her first summer at The Land she knew she had come to stay.
Watch a virtual greenhouse tour led by Tiffany.
What has been your proudest moment at The Land Institute?
When we renovated and the greenhouse of my dreams came into fruition.
What Land Institute perennial crop do you look forward to eating most, and how would you prepare it?
Perennial wheat. No matter how it’s prepared, it will have the sweet taste of success!
What’s one aspect of your life history that most people don’t know or wouldn’t expect?
I am dyslexic and grew up going through learning disabilities classes in elementary school. I was not thrilled with it at the time, but I fully embrace being dyslexic now and consider it one of my greatest strengths. I literally think differently!
What else are you passionate about outside of work?
I am passionate about family, farming, and empowering and inspiring others to make a positive change in their lives and the lives of those around us.
What’s your motto / favorite quote?
Make your own positive change in the world.
What were you like at age 10?
A glimpse into my life around age 10 kind of sums me up. It was my first time actively watching a calf being born. I remember standing there with my cousins, and I was yelling encouragement to the cow. “You’re doing great, Bessy, you can do this. Oh Bessy, you are almost there!” My cousins started yelling with me. Together we jumped up and down and yelled encouragement at the birthing cow. Now having been through labor myself, I see we may not have been much help… but in my mind at the time, I had inspired others to bring about a support team to help a fellow creature in need.
Support the work of Tiffany and others at The Land Institute with a donation.