Transforming Agriculture, Perennially

Scientific Publications


Seed yield and biomass allocation in Sorghum bicolor and F1 and backcross generations of S. bicolor x S. halepense hybrids

Author: Jon K. Piper, Peter A. Kulakow

Publication: Canadian Journal of Botany, 1994, Volume 72, pp. 468-474.

Land Institute senior scientist Stan Cox and our hybrid perennial sorghum in late summer 2002. The bag collects pollen for breeding with other plants.

Land Institute senior scientist Stan Cox and our hybrid perennial sorghum in late summer 2002. The bag collects pollen for breeding with other plants.

The Land Institute is developing perennial grains to be grown in prairie-like mixtures. One approach involves the development of a perennial grain sorghum by crossing tetraploid Sorghum bicolor with wild S. halepense to combine high seed yield with overwintering ability via rhizome production.

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