Transforming Agriculture, Perennially


| In the News, Kernza®, Perennial Rice

New Report: Perennial Grains as Opportunity for Food Companies to Reduce Agricultural Emissions

Ceres, a non-profit advocacy organization with a focus on sustainable markets and economies, released a report titled “Cultivating Innovation: Practical Solutions for Companies to Reduce Agricultural Emissions,” which details the impactful ways in which food companies and the private sector can reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the promotion and adoption of innovative agricultural practices. Both Kernza® perennial grain and perennial rice were discussed as such innovations with great potential to reduce emissions and improve planetary health.


Click here to learn more and download the full report from Ceres.


“From using food additives like seaweed that reduce how much methane cattle produce to breeding perennial rice that isn’t grown in water and grows back each year, food companies are developing and deploying innovative approaches to slashing agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions.”

“To increase the economic viability of promising emissions-reducing innovations, the report outlines several actions that companies can take in their own operations and supply chains. These include in-house R&D investment, such as General Mills and Patagonia’s use of a climate-friendly perennial wheat variety called Kernza in their products…”


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