Cultural Transformation for the Perennial Good: A Weekend with Wes Jackson
Date: Friday, February 28, 2020 - Sunday, March 1, 2020
55000 Highway 1
Big Sur, CA 93920
Workshop presented by Wes Jackson and Aubrey Streit Krug
Check here for more details and registration information.
During these times of increasing isolation and ecological crisis, we need to actively come together to address some of the most pressing questions of our time:
- When will we recognize our inextricable place in the creative, living ecosphere?
- What can we do, as individuals and collectively, to usher in a more interconnected era on planet earth?
- How can we cultivate enduring, just and diverse communities rooted in regenerative food systems?
Tapping into the pioneering research of Wes Jackson and The Land Institute’s extensive work with Natural Systems Agriculture — which aims to change the way we farm, moving away from an extractive relationship to the earth toward perennial crops that hold soil and work with ecosystems — we will engage in lively discussions as we collectively plot a more resilient future.
Change is most possible when the ecological and social are part of the same project. Throughout the weekend we will explore transformative social, political, educational and ethical systems to discover how to become catalysts of this movement. This workshop will offer experiential activities, discussions and an invitation to act carefully and joyfully for the common good.
Detailed schedule to come; please check back. Workshops generally start at 8:30 pm on the first day and end at noon on the last day.