Kernza® for Conservation and Agricultural Production
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024
Stute Farm
W3736 Little Prairie Rd
East Troy, Wisconsin 53120
W3736 Little Prairie Rd
East Troy, Wisconsin 53120
The Michael Fields Agricultural Institute is hosting a field day on June 13, 2024 with farmer Jim Stute to discuss how he uses Federal Funding to keep his land’s water clean and soil in place, even when dramatic weather, wet or dry, hits the region. Michael Fields researcher Dr. Nicole Tautges will also speak on using Kernza for perennial cover as a way to combine agricultural production with conservation.
After the farm tour and discussions conclude, Michael Fields Ag will be providing attendees with a free cookout consisting of gulf-caught shrimp, local sausages, and Kernza treats.
Registration for the event is free, and an RSVP is required. Click here to RSVP today.