The New Emergency: Ecosphere Studies and the Future University
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2017
1450 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
This series at the University of Kansas includes three experiences, which can be attended individually or as a set.
At 11:00 a.m. a group outing will occur with Ecospehere advocates to the historic Gorrill Farmstead west of Lawrence. This property is jointly stewarded by the Malone Family Land Preservation Foundation and The Land Institute.
Two o’clock p.m. gives participants the opportunity to practice active looking at the Spencer Museum of Art or in Marvin Grove. This experience illustrates the Ecosphere Studies model through conscious observation.
At 3:30 p.m., participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the Ecosphere Studies model in a discussion setting. Land Institute President Emeritus, Wes Jackson will be part of a panel/roundtable discussion during this portion of the day.
These events present an emerging understanding, called “Ecosphere Studies,” which centers on the dynamic, creative living Earth. They draw on knowledge across disciplines and challenge participants to imagine how education could be reconfigured by this emerging understanding of reality.
For more information, visit our Ecosphere Studies page.
Registration for this event is required. Space is limited. See www.thecommons.ku.edu for more information.