Place-based food systems: Making the case, making it happen
Date: Thursday, August 9, 2018 - Friday, August 10, 2018
8771 Lansdowne Road
Richmond, British Columbia V6X 3X7
This two-day conference is intended to bring together academics and community level regional food system leaders and builders from across North America and around the world, who are focused on and dedicated to advancing regional food systems, to share their work, insight, experience and thinking regarding strategic applied research and community-based action(s) occurring or required to effectively advance place-based food systems. Proceedings (peer-reviewed compilation of submitted papers from presentations) will be published by the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development (Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture, Cornell University). Organizers are anticipating approximately 300 conference participants.
Wes will be a keynote speaker at the conference.
For more details as they are available check: http://www.kpu.ca/isfs.