Transforming Agriculture, Perennially


| Events, Our Team, The Land Institute

Climate Week NYC 2024: Setting the Table for a Perennial Future

For the second year, The Land Institute will attend Climate Week NYC, an annual summit bringing together business leaders, civil society, policy, and government officials to showcase climate momentum and underscore critical areas for rapid action and progress.

Are you or your team attending Climate Week NYC? Connect with us at the event by emailing to!



The Land Institute will host, participate, and attend a series of events at Climate Week NYC from September 23rd – September 27th, 2024. Follow along or join us as we advocate for perennial grains to become a foundational part of a climate-resilient agricultural future. Events that are open to the public have livestream links.

Monday, September 23rd

Setting the Table for a Perennial Future
The Land Institute will host a private lunch at Gramercy Tavern to discuss our Perennial “Green” Revolution strategy and the path ahead; perennial grains from our research programs will be on the menu!

A Taste of Climate Adaptation & Innovation Photography
Mad Agriculture & ClimateAi will present a photography exhibit to celebrate the resilience of farmers in the face of climate change.

Regen Your Spirit
HowGood, Agreena & RegenHouse host a Climate Week kick-off.

Tuesday, September 24th

The Nature Hub
Nature4Climate, NGO partners, and private sector groups explore how to build a nature-positive economy.

The Power of Women in Climate
The Doris Duke Foundation & The Nature Conservancy host a private lunch conversation about equitable solutions for our climate future.

Beer Saves the World
Open to the Public
Patagonia Provisions and Perennial Films premiere a new film short and host a Q&A with producers Michael Johnson & Kelly Sallaway, Patagonia Provisions’ GM Paul Lightfoot, Deschutes Brewery CEO Peter Skrbek, and President of The Land Institute, Rachel Stroer.

Wednesday, September 25th

Climate Resilience through Agriculture
Livestream 9:30AM-12:30PM ET
Food Tank and American Farmland Trust explore how farmland protection and climate-smart, regenerative farming can mitigate the environmental impacts from climate change while building more resilient, productive food systems and greater food security.

Building Healthy Soils, Reducing Food Waste, and Protecting Pollinators from Pesticides
Livestream 1PM-6PM ET
Food Tank and the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) investigate how the food and agriculture sectors drive biodiversity loss and create risks to human health.

Thursday, September 26th

Food and Agriculture is a Key Solution to the Climate Crisis
Livestream 9:30AM-12:30PM ET
Food Tank and the World Food Program USA look at solutions for climate change via food and ag to achieve Zero Hunger worldwide.

Taking Stock: State of Climate Action in the Food Sector
Ceres, a sustainable economies advocacy organization and fellow member of the US Nature4Climate coalition, examines the state of climate action in the food sector at the Nest Climate Campus.

Recipes for Success
Ceres will facilitate a workshop on effective climate transition plans in the food sector.


Perennial Agriculture in the News

Compilation of Recent Craft Brewery News: “Kernza® Finds Momentum in Craft Brewing Industry”

US Nature4Climate: “Kernza: Defining a Path Forward for Perennial Grains”

AgFunder News: “Unlocking the Potential of Perennial Grains”

Civil Eats: “Perennial Crops Boost Biodiversity On and Off Farms”

Food Tank: “We Can’t Have Food Justice If We Don’t Prioritize Soil Health”


Stay tuned for our upcoming President’s Letter, where Rachel Stroer will share exciting updates and a bold vision for how your support can shape a regenerative future.


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