Kernza® Management Guide
Kernza intermediate wheatgrass is actively being researched and developed at research institutions and on farms. This is a new and experimental grain crop, and markets are in the early stages of development. Farmer knowledge, experience, and input are key to moving this work forward. While this document offers early recommendations for how to grow Kernza intermediate wheatgrass, it is not a precise blueprint for how to do this.
This guide represents current knowledge on the crop, although many unknowns still exist and research is ongoing. Growing Kernza intermediate wheatgrass while the plant and grain are still in development may not result in a commercially viable crop.
Please refer to the Appendix, “Obtaining Seed and Becoming a Kernza Grower” if you are interested in planting the crop.
This guide was developed by Green Lands Blue Waters, the University of Minnesota Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Agronomy Department, the Forever Green Initiative, The Land Institute, and farmer partners.
*As of March 2019, no regulated agricultural chemicals (including pesticides and herbicides) have been approved for production of intermediate wheatgrass grown for Kernza grain.