Transforming Agriculture, Perennially


| The Land Institute

President’s Letter 2023

Dear Friends, 

We stand at a pivotal moment in the history of agriculture and humanity, and we invite you to be a part of an extraordinary journey. Over the last three years, The Land Institute has been constructing a bridge to carry us into a future where sustainable, perennial grain crops flourish and are supported by just communities living in deep relationship to the ecosphere. 

With an unwavering commitment to science and innovation spanning 47 years, we have witnessed remarkable progress in transforming agriculture. Just recently, a research team based in China, with support from The Land Institute, achieved a momentous milestone in developing perennial rice.* High-yielding varieties of this new perennial grain are planted on 37,888 acres, and stewarded by nearly 50,000 smallholder farmers throughout China. This achievement marks a turning point in the transition from annuals to perennials, and may ultimately encompass a staggering 2.7 billion acres. In the realm of agriculture, the development of perennial rice rivals the importance of landing on the moon. While it may not garner national headlines today, it merits such acclaim. 

Without you and our extraordinary community of donors, advocates, and partners, these breakthroughs in sustainable food production would not be possible. Your support is building a bridge—strong and tenacious—to catalyze the perennial vision onto the global landscape. 


While our bridge is still under construction, the time has come to test the strength of its foundation. As I write this letter, I’m sitting with the United Nations’ IPCC 2023 Synthesis Report, which delivers a critical message: without immediate, deep, and sustained reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, global warming will surpass the 1.5°C threshold by 2035. We find ourselves in the most impactful decade to confront the climate crisis head-on. The time to act is now. And no one is better suited to tackle this challenge than you—the remarkable individuals reading this letter, inspired to forge a better path forward.


The Land Institute has and will continue to play an adaptive and significant role in ensuring a transition to a perennial grain agriculture system that can nourish people without depleting the precious natural resources we depend upon. Now is the time to test our bridge. To adapt new ways of planning for the future, take calculated risk, and embrace the possibilities of this uncharted pathway. 

In the coming year, we’ll be focusing on three key areas: 

  • Continuity: We will sustain our long-term research endeavors so that our work endures, evolves, and continues to create a path for resilient, perennial-based agriculture. 
  • Collaboration: We will steward and expand our engagement with transdisciplinary and transcontinental research collaborators, including recognizing and supporting other emerging perennial grain hubs worldwide. 
  • Sharing our vision: We will communicate crucial findings as a catalyst for change, empowering communities with knowledge and showcasing the myriad ecosystem benefits of perennial-based agriculture. Together, we are storytellers of transformation, spreading the seeds of hope and roots of change in hearts and minds worldwide. 

As we deepen our work with sorghum in Africa, sainfoin in Palestine, silphium in Argentina, Kernza® in the European Union, and vital perennial grain polycultures within the United States, we need your support. Together, we will test our resilience and determination as we join hands to brave this bridge we are constructing. The possibilities are nothing short of exhilarating, and we know that the time for accelerated change is now. 

Today, please consider donating to The Land Institute. Your contribution will propel us further along this transformative path and empower us to continue our groundbreaking research and build a sustainable future for generations to come. 

Together, we can shape a world where the human economy is reconciled with nature’s economy. Together, we can create a future where perennial crops thrive, providing sustenance without compromising the delicate balance of the ecosphere. 

Please donate to The Land Institute today. 

With profound gratitude, 




Rachel A. Stroer




*Updated on 8/25/2023 for clarity.

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