Can the World Continue to Provide Enough Food?
The Boris Mints Institute at Tel-Aviv University celebrates the synergy between research and practice, through its researchers and the winners of the 2020 Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize, in a special Zoom webinar, focusing on research and development for a better world. The forum features four of the winners of the 2020 Prize who will discuss their award-winning projects.
The Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize identifies, recognizes, and rewards important initiatives to reinvent the food chain and helps establish a sustainable food system that supports the resilience of the biosphere and the stability of our planet.
Representatives from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (Icipe), Blue Ventures, Sanergy Ltd., and The Land Institute will summarize their projects. Following each presentation, researchers from Tel Aviv University will present their studies related to the awardee’s research.