Ecosphere Fellows
The ecosphere is the dynamic mantle of life–made possible by the interactions of air, water, minerals, and creatures. The ecosphere is the limited, living globe that is our home.
The Land Institute’s Ecosphere Fellows explore the ecospheric context in which our agricultural work and human species are embedded.
Program Design
Through the work of Ecosphere Fellows, The Land Institute sustains an investigation of humanity’s relationship to the ecosphere. The Land Institute’s research programs focus on a boldly practical, agricultural solution to repairing this relationship.
Fellows’ creative inquiry and diverse perspectives spark conversation and knowledge sharing with public audiences, external partners, and inside the organization. Through deeper understanding of the changing ecospheric context in which we work, The Land Institute is better able to navigate risks and make positive change now and for the long term. The questions, ideas, and connections developed with Ecosphere Fellows help shape how our research community collaboratively pursues and realizes our purpose and values.
The Land Institute launched the Ecosphere Fellows program with the work of Stan Cox and is now designing more opportunities to engage and collaborate.
Program Design Team

Rachel Stroer

Aubrey Streit Krug
Director of Perennial Cultures Lab

Edy Chérémond
Lab Manager, Crop Protection Ecology

Jessica Kleoppel
Director of Development
Cap and Adapt: Failsafe policy for the climate emergency
The article explains development of a potential national-level climate policy framework that is capable of…
Adaptation and Mitigation amid the Consequences of Failure
Abstract Societies once could choose between changing direction or dealing with climatic disaster; now it…
Additional Publications
In Real Time by Stan Cox
The Path to a Livable Future: A New Politics to Fight Climate Change, Racism, and the Next Pandemic by Stan Cox