Transforming Agriculture, Perennially

Category: Video

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2018 Prairie Festival

Members of The Land Institute’s science team talk about their recent research findings.


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2018 Prairie Festival

Director of Ecosphere Studies Dr. Aubrey Streit gives an update on the past year.

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2018 Prairie Festival

Professor and Rural Sociologist Loka Ashwood presents “Land, Rights, and Justice: Why the Government is Losing the Trust of Rural America.”

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2018 Prairie Festival

Land Institute president Fred Iutzi closes out Prairie Festival 2018 with a talk on this year’s theme, “Economic Transformations for an Ecological Civilization.”



2018 Prairie Festival

David Bollier, Director of the Reinventing the Commons Program at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics and co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group, an international advocacy project, speaks on “The Insurgent Power of the Commons in the War Against the Imagination.”


2018 Prairie Festival

This year’s featured artist Claire Pentecost speaks on her exhibit.


2018 Prairie Festival

Land Institute president Fred Iutzi and longtime Friend of The Land and Emeritus Board Member Terry Evans lead off Prairie Festival 2018 with “Prairie Roots and Human Roots Intertwined.”


2017 Prairie Festival

Land Institute president Fred Iutzi closes out 2017 Prairie Festival looking Toward a Perennial Future.


2017 Prairie Festival

Severine von Tscharner Fleming of Greenhorns and The Agrarian Trust delivers the annual Strachan Donnelley Lecture on Conservation and Restoration: New customary rights: Greenhorns, Buckaroos, Family Farms and the Future Tense.


2017 Prairie Festival

As part of 2017 Prairie Festival, a cross section of experiences and perspectives regarding Kernza® as this new crop begins the entry of perennial grains into the consumer marketplace.
Panel includes:
Lee DeHaan, lead scientist, The Land Institute intermediate wheat grass / Kernza® perennial grain program
Jack Erisman, Goldmine Farm, Pana, Illinois
Brianna Fiene, Market Manager for Plovgh
Rachel Stroer, Chief Operating Officer of The Land Institute
James Farag, Senior Manager for Product, Patagonia Provisions

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2017 Prairie Festival

Wylie Harris & Ӧzlem Altıok of Seis Flechas Farm and University of North Texas share their perspectives and experiences of going back to the land and back to the city, across a number of boundaries, and what it requires from us to connect the two.

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2017 Prairie Festival

Brian Donahue, Brandeis University professor, author, farmer, former Land Institute staff, and current board member shapes a regionalized vision for active resettlement of the American countryside at 2017 Prairie Festival.

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