Transforming Agriculture, Perennially

Video & Audio Library

Prairie Festival speaker presentations, webinars, civic science, and more videos can be found on this page.



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2019 Prairie Festival

Bill McKibben, co-founder of, author, and climate change activist speaks at The Land Institute’s 2019 Prairie Festival

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2019 Prairie Festival

Wes Jackson, PhD, President Emeritus and co-founder speaks at The Land Institute’s 2019 Prairie Festival.

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2019 Prairie Festival

Amory Lovins, Co-founder, Chief Scientist, and Chairman Emeritus of the Rocky Mountain Institute, speaks at The Land Institute’s 2019 Prairie Festival.

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2019 Prairie Festival

President of The Land Institute, Fred Iutzi, gives the closing remarks and speaks on the theme of Prairie Festival 2019.

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2019 Prairie Festival

Lennart Olsson, PhD, professor of Geography at Lund University, Sweden; author on two Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) reports; and a member of The Land Institute’s Board of Directors, speaks at Prairie Festival 2019.

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2019 Prairie Festival

Francesca Cotrufo, PhD, Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University speaks at The Land Institute’s 2019 Prairie Festival.

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2019 Prairie Festival

Scientists at The Land Institute report on the progress of their programs and research over the last year at Prairie Festival 2019.

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2019 Prairie Festival

Ana L. Porzecanski, PhD, Director of the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History speaks at The Land Institute’s 2019 Prairie Festival.

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2019 Prairie Festival
Rena Detrixhe, 2019 Prairie Festival Artist and Research Resident at The Land Institute talks about her installation and process.
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2019 Prairie Festival

President of The Land Institute, Fred Iutzi, opens Prairie Festival 2019 in the Big Barn at The Land Institute.

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2018 Prairie Festival

The Land Institute’s Co-founder and President Emeritus Wes Jackson asks the question “Are We the Ones We Have Been Waiting For?”

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2018 Prairie Festival

The Berry Center’s Mary Berry and Sterling College president Matthew Derr have a panel discussion on “An Education for Homecoming, What Will it Take to Settle America?”

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