Transforming Agriculture, Perennially

Category: Video

Research Resident Alex Griffin at The Land Institute works with our perennial oilseeds and crop protection ecology research programs, and here she takes us through a full day of work ranging from gathering data on select silphium populations in our greenhouses to tending to the Four Sisters plot in our community garden.


Dr. Brandon Schlautman, lead scientist of The Land Institute’s perennial legumes research program discusses his research with intercropping with legumes and exploring sainfoin as a possible crop.


The seventh day of the 2020 Kernza® Conference covered marketing and partnership research projects taking place at participating research institutions. Presentation titles are below.

Cooperative Marketing Structures – Carmen Fernholz (A-Frame Farms)
Regional Coordination – Brandon Kaufman (Sustain-A-Grain, LLC)
Local Partner Supply Chains – Alan Kraus/Kristi Pursell (Canon River Watershed)
Intercropping with Alfalfa – Spencer Barriball (The Land Institute)


The sixth day of the 2020 Kernza® Conference covered ongoing market research projects taking place at participating research institutions. Specific agenda details and presentation titles are below.


Minnesota Clusters – Nick Jordan (University of Minnesota – Forever Green Initiative)
Policy/Incentive Payments – Colin Cureton (University of Minnesota – Forever Green Initiative)
Market Development – Connie Carlson (University of Minnesota – Forever Green Initiative)
Can Perennial Grains Provide Ecosystem Services in the Mediterranean Climate of California? – Kalyn Diedrich (University of California – Davis)
Malting with Patagonia Provisions – Patrick Horn and Christie Biddle


The fifth day of the 2020 Kernza® Conference covered ongoing flour/bread and seed research projects taking place at participating research institutions. Specific agenda details and presentation titles are below.


Direct to Consumer Applications – Christopher Abbott and Brian Hedberg (Sprowt Labs, Perennial Pantry)
Willingness to Pay – Nima Homami (Cornell)
Taste Panels – Julie Dawson (University of Wisconsin – Madison) and Alyssa Hartman (Artisan Grain Collaborative)

Supply Updates – Colin Cureton (University of Minnesota – Forever Green Initiative) and Tessa Peters (The Land Institute)


The fourth day of the 2020 Kernza® Conference covered ongoing ecosystem services and processing research projects taking place at participating research institutions. Specific agenda details and presentation titles are below.

Ecosystem Services

Carbon Sequestration – Tim Crews (The Land Institute)
Nitrate Reduction in Water – Evelyn Reilly (University of Minnesota – Forever Green Initiative)


Processing Flows – Riley Gordon (Agricultural Utilization Research Institute)
Disease and Its Impact on Processing – Kathryn Turner (The Land Institute) and Chris Wiegert (Healthy Food Ingredients)


The third day of the 2020 Kernza® Conference covered ongoing agronomic research projects taking place at participating research institutions. Specific agenda details and presentation titles are below.

Agronomy (continued from day two)

Malting – Christopher Abbott and Brian Hedberg (Sprowt Labs, Perennial Pantry)
All Kernza Beer – Christophe David (ISARA – Lyon, France) and Christophe Bellet (Brasserie Dulion)
Can Tempering Improve Functionality of IWG? – Radhika Bharathi and George Annor (University of Minnesota Food Science)


The second day of the 2020 Kernza® Conference covered ongoing agronomic and breeding research projects taking place at participating research institutions. Specific agenda details and presentation titles are below.

Breeding (continued from day one)
The Land Institute Breeding Strategy with Genomic Selection – Jared Crain (Kansas State University)
Variety Candidate Trial – Lee DeHaan (The Land Institute)

Phenology and Vernalization – Doug Cattani (University of Manitoba)
Weed Control – Valentin Picasso (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Update on France/Belgium – Christophe David (ISARA – Lyon, France)


The first day of the 2020 Kernza® Conference covered ongoing genetics and breeding research projects taking place at participating research institutions. Specific agenda details and presentation titles are below.

Yield Components and Nested Association Mapping – Kayla Altendorf (University of Minnesota)
GWAS Results – Steve Larson (USDA – Utah State)
GWAS Results- Jared Crain (Kansas State University)

Breeding Strategy with Genomic Selection – Prabin Bajgain (University of Minnesota)
Variety Candidate Trial – Jim Anderson (University of Minnesota)
Breeding and Agronomy Update – Doug Cattani (U Manitoba)

Research Resident Abbi Han at The Land Institute focuses her study on the genetics of kura clover, which could provide continuous ground cover and, as a legume, provide nitrogen to other crops it’s grown with. She is also active in managing our Four Sisters plot and employee garden. Here, she walks us through a day in the life of her residency.

Research resident at The Land Institute, Eric Cassetta, who works closely with our Perennial Oilseeds and Crop Protection Genetics programs leads us through a few of the projects and places of his residency.


The Land Institute’s Director of Ecosphere Studies, Aubrey Streit Krug, brings us to Heart Land Prairie Cemetery, where she invites us to reflect upon our own individual places which we have hopefully gotten to know more deeply over the six weeks of Perennial Practice. As we collectively and intentionally work towards building a perennial future, why does your place matter?

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