| Sorghum
Towards a perennial biomass sorghum crop: A comparative investigation of biomass yields and overwintering of Sorghum bicolor x S. halepense lines relative to long term S. bicolor trials in northern Italy
Abstract: The purpose of this work was to assess biomass and grain yields, path modelling of yield components, and perenniality in 97 Sorghum bicolor x S. halepense (SB x SH) lines, and…
| Sorghum
Seed yield and biomass allocation in Sorghum bicolor and F1 and backcross generations of S. bicolor x S. halepense hybrids
The Land Institute is developing perennial grains to be grown in prairie-like mixtures. One approach involves the development of a perennial grain sorghum by crossing tetraploid Sorghum bicolor with wild…