Flour composition, dough, and bread properties of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) compared to annual wheat species
Researchers in Norway released findings around the properties of Kernza perennial grain in flour, dough, and bread compared to annual wheat using intermediate wheatgrass provided by Lee DeHaan, The Land…
Improving the Nutritional Profile of Intermediate Wheatgrass by Solid-State Fermentation with Aspergillus oryzae Strains
Research collaborators Takehiro Murai and George A. Annor from the University of Minnesota’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences analyzed the use of Kernza in fermentation and the…
Evaluating the quality characteristics of intermediate wheatgrass grown in the Canadian prairies
Collaborators at the University of Manitoba in Canada conducted a study to determine how the growing environment for intermediate wheatgrass (the plant that produces Kernza® grain) impacts the nutritional content…
Effect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) seed-based diet on rats: A comprehensive evaluation of hemogram, biochemistry, and histopathology
New research documents the effect of sainfoin, a perennial legume undergoing domestication at The Land Institute to develop a perennial pulse crop for human consumption), seeds on rats to further…
Nutritional Quality of Early-Generation Kernza Perennial Grain
A nutritional study on early-generation grain from the Kernza breeding program documents the nutritional quality of the perennial grain, with data underscoring its macronutrient composition, vitamin and mineral content, and…
Malting Kernza® Perennial Grain: Assessing Characteristics, Quality, and Flavor of Kernza Malt
Perennial Pantry, a Minnesota-based food company championing Kernza perennial grain, released a malting and baking report that “advanced new uses for Kernza by researching the crop’s malting characteristics, malt quality,…
Perennial Baki™ Bean Safety for Human Consumption: Evidence from an Analysis of Heavy Metals, Folate, Canavanine, Mycotoxins, Microorganisms and Pesticides
The Land Institute’s Perennial Legumes and Crop Stewardship teams, with support from research partner Muhammet Şakiroğlu, co-authored the third installment of a series of papers documenting the characteristics of perennial…