Research & Scientific Publications - Page 3
The Land Institute’s work advances research and agricultural scientific knowledge and is conducted in an innovative yet rigorous professional context. Explore our findings and ideas via articles authored or co-authored by members of our staff and published in research and peer-reviewed journals.
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Short-term effects of Kernza and alfalfa on microbial communities
Legumes have been extensively studied for their ability to increase soil fertility, which has prompted both scientists and farmers to plant them in companion with other crops in a configuration…
Effect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) seed-based diet on rats: A comprehensive evaluation of hemogram, biochemistry, and histopathology
New research documents the effect of sainfoin, a perennial legume undergoing domestication at The Land Institute to develop a perennial pulse crop for human consumption), seeds on rats to further…
Exploring the Linkages Between Soil and Human Health
The National Academies Press released a consensus study documenting the linkages between soil and human health, particularly the connection between the nutrient density of food and the condition of the…
Nutritional Quality of Early-Generation Kernza Perennial Grain
A nutritional study on early-generation grain from the Kernza breeding program documents the nutritional quality of the perennial grain, with data underscoring its macronutrient composition, vitamin and mineral content, and…
Grain agriculture and the end of the fossil fuel era
A great deal of attention is currently focused on how agriculture in highly industrialized countries contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and how certain farming innovations might curb the emissions…
Malting Kernza® Perennial Grain: Assessing Characteristics, Quality, and Flavor of Kernza Malt
Perennial Pantry, a Minnesota-based food company championing Kernza perennial grain, released a malting and baking report that “advanced new uses for Kernza by researching the crop’s malting characteristics, malt quality,…
Perennial Baki™ Bean Safety for Human Consumption: Evidence from an Analysis of Heavy Metals, Folate, Canavanine, Mycotoxins, Microorganisms and Pesticides
The Land Institute’s Perennial Legumes and Crop Stewardship teams, with support from research partner Muhammet Şakiroğlu, co-authored the third installment of a series of papers documenting the characteristics of perennial…
Origin of current intermediate wheatgrass germplasm being developed for Kernza grain production
Lee DeHaan, Lead Scientist of the Kernza® Domestication Program, and key Kernza collaborators Peggy Wagoner (the scientist who first selected Intermediate Wheatgrass as a viable perennial grain candidate for domestication),…
Distinguishing Abiotic from Biotic Stressors in Perennial Grain Crops: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms in Silphium integrifolium and Thinopyrum intermedium
Scientists in The Land Institute’s Crop Protection Genetics Program and research collaborators co-authored a paper documenting the impact of nutrient deficiencies on various aspects of plant growth and their implications…
Identification and Molecular Characterization of Dahlia common mosaic virus from Silphium spp, a new natural host of the virus
Abstract: Dahlia common mosaic virus (DCMV) was previously reported to infect only dahlias (Dahlia variabilis). However, DCMV was identified for the first time in association with Silphium spp. The complete…
Amino acid and fatty acid profiles of perennial Baki™ bean
The Land Institute’s Crop Stewardship and Perennial Legumes teams released a paper detailing the nutritional composition of Perennial Baki™ Bean, the edible pulse derived from the perennial legume sainfoin, to…
Prioritize perennial grain development for sustainable food production and environmental benefits
Lee DeHaan, Lead Scientist for the Kernza Domestication Program at The Land Institute, and three other Lead Scientists at the organization collaborated with 28 global research partners working with perennial…