Research & Scientific Publications - Page 6
The Land Institute’s work advances research and agricultural scientific knowledge and is conducted in an innovative yet rigorous professional context. Explore our findings and ideas via articles authored or co-authored by members of our staff and published in research and peer-reviewed journals.
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Unraveling the genetic components of perenniality: Toward breeding for perennial grains
Although tremendously successful at feeding humanity, row crop agriculture based on annuals contributes to numerous ecosystem dis-services, ranging from soil degradation and aquatic eutrophication to greenhouse gas production. In contrast,…
Gourmet grasslands: Harvesting a perennial future
Commentary The global food system is highly dependent on grains, the production of which requires annual biomass turnover, which reduces soil health and undermines sustainability. Investments in diverse perennial grain-producing…
Seeding date affects seed and biomass yield of Silphium integrifolium Michx. (silflower)
Abstract Silphium integrifolium Michx. (silflower [Asteraceae]) is an emerging perennial oilseed and biomass crop with potential to supply ecosystem services, but optimum seeding dates for establishment are unknown. Our objective…
Perennial groundcovers: an emerging technology for soil conservation and the sustainable intensification of agriculture
Integrating perennial groundcovers (PGC) — sometimes referred to as living mulches or perennial cover crops — into annual cash-crop systems could address root causes of bare-soil practices that lead to…
Development of whole‐genome prediction models to increase the rate of genetic gain in intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) breeding
Abstract The development of perennial grain crops is driven by the vision of simultaneous food production and enhanced ecosystem services. Typically, perennial crops like intermediate wheatgrass (IWG)[Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth…
Nested association mapping reveals the genetic architecture of spike emergence and anthesis timing in intermediate wheatgrass
Abstract Intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) is an outcrossing, cool season grass species currently undergoing direct domestication as a perennial grain crop. Though many traits are selection targets, understanding the genetic…
Genomic Prediction Enables Rapid Selection of High-Performing Genets in an Intermediate Wheatgrass Breeding Program
Abstract In an era of constrained and depleted natural resources, perennial grains could provide sustainable food production along with beneficial ecosystem services like reduced erosion and increased atmospheric carbon capture….
Post-Harvest Management Practices Impact on Light Penetration and Kernza Intermediate Wheatgrass Yield Components
Abstract Kernza intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) is the first commercially developed perennial grain crop in North America, with multiple environmental and economic benefits. One of the major challenges for adoption…
Process-based analysis of Thinopyrum intermedium phenological development highlights the importance of dual induction for reproductive growth and agronomic performance
Abstract Intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey) is being developed for use as a new perennial grain crop through breeding and agronomic research. However, progress has been hampered…
Development of First Linkage Map for Silphium integrifolium (Asteraceae) Enables Identification of Sporophytic Self-Incompatibility Locus
SUMMARY Silphium integrifolium (Asteraceae) has been identified as a candidate for domestication as a perennial oilseed crop and has a sporophytic self-incompatibility system—the genetic basis of which is not well understood…
A Social Perennial Vision: Transdisciplinary Inquiry for the Future of Diverse, Perennial Grain Agriculture
Societal Impact Statement Plant scientists around the planet are working to develop new perennial grains and learn how to grow them in diverse agroecosystems. Perennial grain agriculture could accomplish long‐term…
Silflower Seed and Biomass Responses to Plant Density and Nitrogen Fertilization
Silflower (Silphium integrifolium Michx.) is a potential perennial oilseed crop that can provide ecosystem services; however, its seed, oil, and biomass yield potential are unknown. Our objectives were to determine the…