Transforming Agriculture, Perennially

Research & Scientific Publications - Page 3

The Land Institute’s work advances research and agricultural scientific knowledge and is conducted in an innovative yet rigorous professional context. Explore our findings and ideas via articles authored or co-authored by members of our staff and published in research and peer-reviewed journals.

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Author: Upendra M. Sainju, Brett L. Allen, Andrew W. Lenssen
Publication: Agronomy Journal

A long-term study conducted in the northern Great Plains region of the US indicates that perennial crops such as intermediate wheatgrass (Kernza) may sequester greater amounts of soil carbon and…

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Author: Tim Crews & Sienna Polk
Publication: Environment, Development and Sustainability

Authors Tim Crews and Sienna Polk pay homage to influential entomologist and Cornell University professor David Pimentel, who was widely known for his numerous studies on the energetics of traditional…

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Author: Steve Culman, Priscila Pinto, Jennie Pugliese, Timothy Crews, Lee DeHaan, Jake Jungers, Jamie Larsen, Matthew Ryan, Meagan Schipanski, Mark Sulc, Sandra Wayman, Mary Wiedenhoeft, David Stoltenberg and Valentin Picasso
Publication: Agronomy Journal

Research into the productivity of Kernza as a forage and grain crop examines the plant’s profitability associated with its dual-purpose nature, the mechanisms driving increased productivity of the crop, and…

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Author: Eric Cassetta, Kelsey Peterson, James D. Bever, Yaniv Brandvain, David Van Tassel, Terra K. Lubin, Helen M. Alexander, Diane L. Byers, Sydney Schiffner and Kathryn Turner
Publication: Ecosphere

Featuring five researchers from The Land Institute, this manuscript documents the prevalence of plant pathogens associated with human-induced changes to the planet’s climate and ecosystems, with the perennial prairie plant…

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Author: Martin Greve, Christoph Anton Conrad Korte, Johanna Entrup, Hanna Altrogge, Philip Bischoff, Julian Elfers, Christian Wever and Ralf Pude
Publication: Agronomy

Research from The Land Institute’s collaborators in Germany details the use of perennial species for biomass production, with the goal of analyzing the value of Silphium for the energy production…

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Author: Alexandra Huddell, Maria Ernfors, Timothy Crews, Giulia Vico & Duncan N.L. Menge
Publication: Science of the Total Environment

Recent research in ecology illustrates the advantage that perennial grains like Kernza (intermediate wheatgrass) possess in reducing nitrate leaching when compared to popular annual grain crops like wheat, as the…

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Author: Jared Crain, Steve Larson, Sajal Sthapit, Kevin Jensen, Jesse Poland, Kevin Dorn, Aaron Thomas and Lee DeHaan
Publication: Crop Science Volume 63 Issue 3

The Land Institute’s Lee DeHaan (Lead Scientist, Kernza) and Sajal Sthapit (Postdoctoral Researcher, Kernza) worked with research collaborators to release this publication detailing the value of the USDA’s National Plant…

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Author: Aubrey Streit Krug, Ellie Irons and Anna Andersson
Publication: Ecozona Vol. 14 No. 1

By designing transdisciplinary and participatory methods of engagement, The Land Institute’s Civic Science Program harnessed public participation to visualize cross-scalar relationships in gardening projects through the medium of Silphium integrifolium,…

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Author: Andres Locatelli, Lucia Gutierrez, Olivier Duchene, Pablo R. Speranza and Valentin D. Picasso Risso
Publication: Grasslands Research, Vol. 1, Issue 4

Recent research with Intermediate Wheatgrass in Uruguay highlights for the first time the agronomic performance of Kernza in a low-latitude region with mild winters, which will be vital towards efforts…

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Author: Luciana Gonzalez-Paleo, Damián A. Ravetta, Alejandra E. Vilela, David Van Tassel
Publication: Annals of Applied Biology

Abstract Improvements in seed yield during domestication and breeding are frequently achieved moving plants from the conservative syndrome of the plant economic spectrum towards the more acquisitive side, changing how…

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Author: Virginia M. Moore, Tessa Peters, Brandon Schlautman and E. Charles Brummer
Publication: PNAS Vol. 20 No. 14

Program leads from the Legume and Crop Stewardship Programs at The Land Institute released a paper detailing the ability of diverse cropping systems to address critical environmental issues connected to modern…

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Author: Evan B. Craine, Muhammet Şakiroğlu, Tessa E. Peters, Spencer Barriball & Brandon Schlautman
Publication: Legume Science

Researchers from the Legume and Crop Stewardship Programs at The Land Institute collaborated with Turkish research partners to release this publication documenting the potential of sainfoin, a perennial legume, as…

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